What is Bulkhead Light? - TEKLED UK

What is Bulkhead Light?

Durable, versatile, and fashion-forward, bulkhead lights are a staple in industrial and business settings. These robust lights are designed to withstand elements like vandalism, water, and dust, ensuring constant, bright illumination. From garden aesthetics to security, these lights have a myriad of applications.

How are bulkhead lights used?

Bulkhead lights are designed to provide powerful and reliable illumination, making them particularly useful in both indoor and outdoor settings. Here's why they're so popular:

  • Bulkhead lights can be mounted directly onto walls, saving space and providing targeted light.
  • Their industrial design makes them an excellent fit for modern and industrial-style exteriors.
  • Their powerful illumination makes them ideal for outdoor use, such as in gardens or along exterior walls.
  • Some users employ them for added security, using their intense light to deter potential intruders or illuminate pathways.

Are bulkhead lights superior to regular bulbs?

While each has its own advantages, there are some areas where bulkhead lights outperform regular bulbs:

  • Bulkhead light fixtures are renowned for their durability and resilience against potential damage.
  • When installed overhead, they can project a powerful beam across an exterior wall, providing extensive illumination.
  • Many modern bulkhead lights utilize LED technology, offering impressive illumination even from smaller fixtures.
  • Some outdoor bulkhead lights are equipped with motion detectors, adding an additional layer of security that regular light bulbs lack.

Can you replace bulbs in bulkhead lights?

It depends on the type of bulkhead light:

  • For bulkhead lights with integrated LED light sources, bulb replacement by a layperson is not recommended.
  • Conversely, non-integrated, E27 screw type bulkhead lights allow for easy bulb replacement when necessary.

What should be considered when choosing bulkhead lights?

There are a few key factors to consider:

  • The number and type of bulbs you plan to use.
  • The intended location and purpose of the light fixture.
  • The specific design and aesthetic you wish to complement or enhance.
  • The IP rating, indicates the level of protection against dust and water ingress.

Are bulkhead lights expensive to operate?

Despite their powerful output, bulkhead lights are not necessarily costly to run:

  • LED bulkhead lights are incredibly energy-efficient compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • With the proper maintenance, these LED lights can last for years, offering long-term savings.

What are the types of bulkhead lights?

Bulkhead lights come in various designs and configurations:

  • Light source: Options include integrated and non-integrated LEDs.
  • Shape and size: Choices range from oval marine light nautical wall lights to small, round bulkheads.
  • Colour: Bulkhead lights come in a variety of colours including black, white, and bronze, catering to modern, industrial, or vintage aesthetics.

What colours are bulkhead lights available in?

Bulkhead lights are available in different colours, including warm white and cool white CCT. The fixture colours range from black and white to bronze.

Can bulkhead lights save energy?

Yes, particularly if they use LED bulbs. LED lighting is far more energy-efficient than incandescent lighting, using up to 75% less energy.

Are bulkhead lights waterproof?

Yes, many bulkhead lights are designed to be waterproof, making them an excellent choice for outdoor use. The ingress protection (IP) rating indicates their level of resistance to water and dust ingress.

Can bulkhead lights be used indoors?

Yes, while often associated with outdoor use, bulkhead lights can also be used indoors, particularly in spaces that favour industrial design aesthetics.

How are bulkhead lights installed?

Bulkhead lights are typically directly affixed to walls. It's advised to have them installed by a professional electrician to ensure they're safely and correctly installed.

Do bulkhead lights require maintenance?

While bulkhead lights are designed for durability, occasional maintenance like cleaning and bulb replacement (for non-integrated types) may be required to keep them in good working order.

By considering these factors and questions, including the ingress protection rating(IP level), you can ensure that you're making the most informed choice when it comes to incorporating bulkhead lights into your space. Whether you're aiming for an industrial look, heightened security, or powerful illumination, these fixtures can significantly enhance both the functionality and aesthetic of your environment.